
Performing releases

  1. Create a new issue announcing the planned release, e.g. Release 8.11.1 and include the template checklist.
  2. Locally test main in the stylelint-config-* shareable config repositories. Install the current main branch (npm install stylelint/stylelint#main --save-dev) and run tests.
  3. Locally test main in the stylelint/stylelint-demo repository.
  4. Locally test main in the stylelint/stylelint.io repository.
  5. Publish the package to npm and create a GitHub release using np:
    1. Consistently format the changelog.
    2. Replace ## Head with new version number e.g. ## 8.1.2.
    3. Commit these changes.
    4. Push these changes.
    5. Confirm the changes are correct at github.com/stylelint/stylelint.
    6. Run npm run release.
    7. Select the version that matches the one from the changelog.
    8. Copy and paste the changelog entries for the published version from changelog when the GitHub release page opens.
    9. Confirm the publishing of the package to www.npmjs.com/package/stylelint.
    10. Confirm the creation of the release at github.com/stylelint/stylelint/releases.
  6. If a new version of any stylelint-config-* is required, repeat step 5 for that repository.
  7. Update the online demo by changing to the stylelint-demo repository:
    1. Run npm install stylelint@latest --save.
    2. Run npm test.
    3. Commit these changes.
    4. Push these changes.
    5. Confirm the deployment of the update to stylelint.io/demo.
  8. Update the website documentation by changing to the stylelint.io repository:
    1. Run npm install https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint/tarball/${new_version} --save-dev. (assuming ${new_version} is the actual version number e.g. 8.1.2)
    2. Run npm test.
    3. Commit these changes.
    4. Push these changes.
    5. Confirm the deployment of the update to stylelint.io.
  9. Compose a tweet that:
    • announces the release
    • communicates what has changed
    • links to the appropriate heading in the changelog on stylelint.io.

New release issue template

- [ ] stylelint release
- [ ] stylelint-config-recommended update/release
- [ ] stylelint-config-standard update/release
- [ ] stylelint-demo update
- [ ] stylelint.io update
- [ ] tweet