

Specify a pattern for class selectors.

    .foo, #bar.baz span, #hoo[disabled] { color: pink; }
/** ↑ ↑
* These class selectors */

This rule ignores non-outputting Less mixin definitions and called Less mixins.

Escaped selectors (e.g. .u-size-11\/12\@sm) are parsed as escaped twice (e.g. .u-size-11\\/12\\@sm). Your RegExp should account for that.



A string will be translated into a RegExp like so new RegExp(yourString) — so be sure to escape properly.

The selector value after . will be checked. No need to include . in your pattern.

Given the string:


The following patterns are considered problems:

.foop {}
.foo-BAR {}
div > #zing + .foo-BAR {}

The following patterns are not considered problems:

.foo-bar {}
div > #zing + .foo-bar {}
#foop {}
[foo='bar'] {}

Optional secondary options

resolveNestedSelectors: true | false (default: false)

This option will resolve nested selectors with & interpolation.

For example, with true.

Given the string:


The following patterns are considered problems:

.A {
&__B {} /* resolved to ".A__B" */

The following patterns are not considered problems:

.A {
&B {} /* resolved to ".AB" */