

Disallow qualifying a selector by type.

    a.foo {}
/** ↑
* This type selector is qualifying the class */

A type selector is "qualifying" when it is compounded with (chained to) another selector (e.g. a.foo, a#foo). This rule does not regulate type selectors that are combined with other selectors via a combinator (e.g. a > .foo, a #foo).



The following patterns are considered problems:

a.foo {
margin: 0
a#foo {
margin: 0
input[type='button'] {
margin: 0

The following patterns are not considered problems:

.foo {
margin: 0
#foo {
margin: 0
input {
margin: 0

Optional secondary options

ignore: ["attribute", "class", "id"]


Allow attribute selectors qualified by type.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

input[type='button'] {
margin: 0


Allow class selectors qualified by type.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a.foo {
margin: 0


Allow ID selectors qualified by type.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

a#foo {
margin: 0